the story so far
I’m pretty sure that everyone goes on a journey to discover their purpose. Whether yours has been short, long or you still feel like you’re treading that path then this is the place for you. We’re all about empowering people to pursue their purpose with passion.
I have known the frustration at broken opportunities, disappointment or lack of direction. But I’ve also known the beautiful voice of my Father reaffirm me, restore hope and encourage me to keep moving forward in Him.
Getting started
Believing that God had given me a message that could help bless others, many years ago I began blogging and felt God speak to me about creating a website. In 2016 I was seeking God on what to call the site. I took some time to out to worship - my go to for connecting with Jesus. I sat down patiently waiting and felt the Holy Spirit gently give me the phrase ‘He Calls Me’. Certain this was God giving me a push, I took a breath and dove right in! I built a website (as a total rookie) about what God was speaking to me about and my pursuit of truth and freedom in Him. My lightbulb moment was that none of it matters apart from what He Calls Me. I can pursue dreams and goals, I can have good things as my focus but ultimately I must be rooted in the Father’s love for me. I pushed forward to delve deeper into my royal daughterhood.
Everyone needs to know the freedom-truth that they are valuable, unique and called to live a purpose, joy-filled life.
He Calls Me exists to equip and encourage women to in the pursuit of truth, be bold in their faith, and live confidently free in their God-given identity.