He Calls Me Daughter: Wendy's Story

I remember spending time with God one evening asking Him how I could progress in my leadership. I had been leading in the church for quite a while as a youth leader, but I knew that God had so much more for me. I started to talk to Him about what title I should be aiming for next. Should I be an evangelist, should I focus more on my prophetic gift and ask God about being a prophet? None of the different titles I thought of seemed to properly fit who I was or the gifting I carried. I knew I couldn’t be an elder in my family of churches, so that was off the table, but what was I meant to be aiming for?

What was next? I felt confused and frustrated. I was longing to progress but I didn’t know how.

Where to go?

As I was venting my frustration to God, He quickly started to speak to me about focussing on just one title. Out of every title I could possibly go after in the church and every label I or others could give me, there was only one that God seemed really interested in. That title was daughter. God told me in my room that evening that He wanted me to focus on being a daughter above every other title.

He told me that if I prioritised being a daughter and learnt how to relate to Him as my Father, He would deal with everything else. He would open doors no man could shut and give me the ministry platform He had prepared in advance for me to have. My job was to learn to be a daughter. His job was to take care of the rest.

The Long Game

I’ve been on that journey for years now. Learning who God is as my Father and learning how to be a daughter in my relationship with Him. To be honest I’m still very much on the journey. It’s easy to know as information in my head that I’m a daughter, but living as one and allowing God to actually Father me is entirely different. Some days I lean into the truth of my identity more effectively than on other days. What’s been incredible over the years has been watching God be completely true to His word. As I have falteringly focused on my identity as a daughter, He has taken care of everything else. I am absolutely blown away by His hand on my life and by the way He has opened doors of favour to me. His grace really is amazing!

I’m a daughter now and I will be a daughter forever

Holding On

What I really love is the truth that my title as daughter will live with me into eternity. Titles of evangelist, prophet, elder, and even mother will be left behind as we transition into our forever home with God. Yet, I will ALWAYS be a daughter. I’m a daughter now and I will be a daughter forever. No wonder God wants me, and us, to prioritise it as our title this side of heaven. How are you doing at learning to be a daughter?

How easy do you find it to live from your heavenly daughterhood?

What a fabulous provocation from Wendy!

It’s such a helpful reminder that our daughterhood is the one thing that never changes. The different roles you inhabit can change. Sometimes on a daily basis.

Our next devotional is all about helping you to get secure in being a daughter first. Maybe you’ve known it and need reminding. Perhaps you’ve never known what it really means to live that way.

Either way, we’d love you to join as we go deeper into exploring identity.

Make sure your on our mailing list and the daily truth nuggets will drop right into your inbox.

Can’t wait to go on this journey together!


Love from Ro x

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He Calls Me DAUGHTER ---

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