I am an Overcomer

Do you find that some days you need reminding of who you are?

Maybe it isn’t that the world is falling apart around you, or that circumstances feel insurmountable. Maybe it’s just exhaustion with all that you’re juggling. Or perhaps a touch of the blues.

However you’re feeling I know for sure that getting some tunes helps! Tunes that help fix your eyes on Jesus, fill your heart with truth and stir your spirit to belt out “I am an overcomer”. This playlist is exactly what I need on days like that.

Check out this list of songs we’ve put together if you ever need a helping hand.

The thing to remember beautiful one, is that you are an overcomer. Because HE has overcome. And you are called to share in Jesus’ victory.

So what are you waiting for? Turn that volume up, give yourself some space (or even on the train if you fancy!) and make those declarations loud and proud.

  1. Hallelujah Anyway - Rend Collective

This song has been blasting on repeat in my house for a good few months now.

Packed full of beautifully poetic lyrics to help refocus your weary soul.

The truth is that whatever we’re facing ‘hallelujah anyway’.

“I’d rather take a chance on Hope than fall apart” - that line gets me every time

2. Glory and Majesty - Jon Reddick

This chilled vibe will help with declaring truth over lies, and hope over fears.

“Only you do the impossible, our breakthrough”

When we’re in the thick of any storm it’s so important to keep declaring His Glory and Majesty.

3. Carry On - Tauren Wells

The thing about being an overcomer is that it actually works best when we submit fully to power of Jesus in our lives.

You might be afraid but trusting in His hands to hold you is the best way to walk in faith.

Even when you don’t feel it, He WILL give you the strength to carry on.

4. Fighter - Danny Gokey

We’ve all been there. Times when it’s felt like we’re walking straight through the fire.

The heat increases. The pressure builds. The flames burns. And quite frankly it hurts.

This song helps remind us that there’s One who stands with us in those times. Just as in Daniel 3 we can be confident that Jesus is our comfort in these times. Focus on Him and you’ll be sure to come out of those situations a fighter!


5. Overcomer - Mandisa

This one is a grab your hairbrush, blast it loud and belt at the top of your lungs kind of song!

“Take a breath, don’t forget and hang onto His promises”

Send this one to a friend who’s going through a tough time and remind them that if it’s not good, He’s not done.

"You're an overcomer"

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.
1 John 5:4 (ESV)


6. Speak to the Mountains - Chris McClarney

Sometimes we have to be brave and sing out even when we don’t feel it deep down. Speaking truth will help raise your faith levels. And fixing your eyes God and His mighty power, rather than fixating on your problems will grow your heart and put things into better perspective.

Instead of telling God how big your problems are, tell your problem how BIG your God is.” - Joel Osteen


7. Fear is not my Future - Maverick City Music

Maybe you’re actually terrified right now. Perhaps things look bleak. Or you’ve just lost any chance of hope.

Maybe it’s not that bad but you just feel a little meh.

Time to nip that niggle in the bud and get declaring. Anything that you might be facing in the future is SO much better with Jesus along for the ride. Fear is not part of your future if you know the risen God.


8. Yes He Can - Cain

It’s ok to have been in that place of doubt. But it’s not ok to stay there.

If you’re stuck in a rut and can’t see God’s faithfulness in your current situation it’s time to look back.

Reflect on the time’s He’s come through in your past.

Look back to go forward (check out why that’s so important in our blog post) and build a monument of His faithfulness.

"Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled." JOSHUA 21:45

9. Overcome - Elevation Worship

An oldie but a goodie!

Because we know and trust in His faithfulness, we can wait with hope and expectation.

Jesus has overcome and He shares that victory with you and me.

Time to respond “with a voice of triumph” and declare with creation that “we will not be moved when the earth gives way.


10. Don’t Tread on Me - We The Kingdom

Ooooooh, now this song gets those Holy Spirit goosebumps going for me every time!

Of course we don’t want to give too much air time to the enemy but sometimes it definitely helps to put him in his place, again!

Because Jesus tread on, and crushed, his head you can be sure that there’s a victory for you to share.

Hold fast to the glorious truth that no weapon formed against you will prosper. Are you ready to walk confidently as an overcomer?

No weapon formed against you shall prosper
Isaiah 54:17 (NKJV)


Stay Tuned In

There are loads of playlist fit for every season. Check out some of the other helpful suggestions here

Are there any overcomer songs you think I’ve missed? Let us know below which songs help get you through some tough situations. Praying you’d find renewed hope and strength as you listen.


Love from Ro

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