He Calls Me

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The Power of Community

Otters. They’re pretty cute aren’t they? I’ve never actually seen it in the wild but I’ve heard many stories of sea otters holding hands when they sleep.

Why? So no one drifts away.

This imagery and metaphor has actually brought me to tears in the past. I know, I know. Be careful about anything to do with cute animals especially if I’m feeling sensitive!

The Goal

Imagine being so connected to others that you lived with such confidence that they would not let you go.

Total and complete trust in your relationships. Fully believing that even if you start  to slip away they will keep holding on. This is Jesus’ heart for you. For us.

He is part of the perfect community of the trinity, eternally connected by love and mutual honour. He calls you to marvel at the wonder of the triune God. And He longs for you to be woven into real community while you’re here on earth too.

Maybe you're surrounded by trusted friends who you know have your back. Or perhaps you long for a community where you feel safe. Those feelings of being seen, known, understood and loved. And through it all believing that there’s a commitment to stand the test of time and trials.

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The Why

Plugging into a healthy community is critical if you want to flourish. 

But it can be costly too. It requires vulnerability. From all parties involved. 

Those who you choose to hold hands with may not always agree with you or constantly fluff your ego. And that’s ok. Growth requires loving challenge where truth is spoken in love and sharp edges are chiseled away under the beautiful commitment of friendship.

But for this to happen there needs to be mutuality. An agreement that our levels of vulnerability will be met. Not just acknowledged, but properly met. Met with love. Met with empathy. Met with the same vulnerability too. 

One of the most powerful phrases we can hear is “ me too”. Why?

Because it makes us feel seen and known.

And ultimately Jesus fully sees you. And fully knows you too. Accepting you as you are and welcoming you with open arms into His love.

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Of course we can’t truly understand each other’s struggles. Even siblings, if we have them, had different experiences growing up and are often wired in very different ways. The point is that we are all unique. But unique does not have to look like lonely. Because lonely leads to isolation. And isolation is not good.

So make sure you find some hands to hold. Ones that will stop you from drifting away. Ones that will give you a squeeze when you start to drift. Those hands that you see solitarily bobbing through life, longing for someone to reach out and hold them.  

Let’s make a commitment this month, the month of love, to be more otter! Have a think about those closest to you who hold your hand. Tell them how much you appreciate their friendship in your life. Spend some time considering who might need your hand right now. Is there someone new to your life, on the fringes, or someone you can see struggling? Reach out. Offering the hand of friendship. Who knows maybe that love in action might be exactly what they need to stop them drifting away.

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What does it look like for you to love your community as if your life depends on it?

Spend some time this month thinking of new, creative ways you can hold on tight. Reach out; for yourself AND for others. Connect. Invest. Love deep and love big. Or even just a little, whatever you can manage. But most of all, don’t let go of your community.

Love from Ro

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