He Calls Me

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What do we mean by calling?

As a generation, we are a bit obsessed with the idea of finding your calling. The idea of having something you are called to do gives us purpose. ‘There is a reason for you being here. This is where you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to be doing.’

Millenials are desperately searching for meaning in their life by seeking out their ‘calling’, without necessarily searching for who is doing the calling. 

If you want to discover your one true life calling, surely that is where you should start. 

He Calls Me

We started He Calls Me because that is exactly what we want to do; help women, who feel deep in their soul that they are made for more, hear the voice that calls them and equip them to go out and live free, purpose-filled lives. 

Our vision is to help women like you to:

  • Understand your true identity

  • Discover your purpose and the unique calling on your life

  • Be equipped to freely and fully live out your calling

You are called to be a world-changer, a joy-bringer and a light-giver. If you recognise that stirring deep in your soul, that you know you were made for more, this is the place for you.

On the blog and in our devotionals, you will see us talking lots about identity, purpose and calling. So what do we mean when we talk about ‘calling’?

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Made for More

Right back at the beginning of humanity, when God created the first man and woman, He called us (see Genesis 1:28). We were made for a purpose. To be in relationship with God. 

God keeps calling people to specific tasks, places or roles throughout the Bible. Noah - build an ark. Abraham - you will be the Father of a nations. Mary - you will be mother to my son come to Earth in human form. Jonah - go to Ninevah.

But calling goes far deeper than any one aspect of life. Ultimately, God calls all these people to TRUST HIM, OBEY HIM and LOVE HIM. The calling to follow Christ lies at the root of every other calling on our lives. 

Our Ethos

At He Calls Me, we believe that as women created with a purpose we are:

  1. Called to follow Christ and be in relationship with him

  2. Called to be obedient to God

  3. Called to specific and individual tasks, occupations and places

It’s easy to want to skip straight to why YOU are here and what YOU are going to contribute to the world. We can get wrapped up in what we do as our identity.

Calling is not your identity; it is in your true identity that you find your calling.

Join us

Join the He Calls Me community to discover your royal identity as a daughter of the King, your calling as a woman who was made for more and learn how to run after the calling God has placed on your life.

We can’t wait to see what Jesus does on this journey!

Thanks for reading!

Ro and Bee

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