Motivational Worship Songs to Kick-start Your Morning

How many times did you hit snooze on your alarm this morning?

You have been saved by a Mighty God. You are a new creation. Your actions have eternal impact . .

You can’t get out of bed.

Uh oh!

There’s not much kingdom work going to be done when you can’t motivate yourself to get going.

You’re not alone. There are days (sometimes weeks) when all I want to do is hide under the covers and shirk all my responsibilities. I’m sure Jesus did too - after all, he was fully human.

The question is, will you give in to the temptation?

Or will you put on our Mighty Motivation playlist to kick-start your morning and get you ready to take on the day?

Mighty Motivation

It’s a pretty special mix when a worship song speaks first-pumping truth AND makes you want to dance around your kitchen. Turn up your speakers and start your morning the right way - with a whole lot of Jesus.

Here’s our edit of 10 songs from our Mighty Motivation playlist to get your morning going.


  1. Changed - Jordan Feliz

It’s a lot harder to keep hitting snooze when this is the song that meets your sleepy ears.

Kick off your day with the glorious truths that you’ve been saved and you’ve been changed by Jesus’ love.

Now, where can I get one of those hats . . .

The official music video for Jordan Feliz's new song Changed! Directed by Max Hsu Produced by Joshua Wurzelbacher For Jordan's touring, bio, and other update...

2. Shake - MercyMe

You’ve got to love a bit of MercyMe for feel good Christian beats. This lot are a jazzy bunch and they won’t be satisfied unless you are dancing along with them.

It’s not just a great tune, MercyMe always have lyrics packed with powerful Jesus-centred truth.

Get shakin’ and get out of bed!

3. WaveWalker - Citizen Way

We’re sorry. Well, not really. But this is going to be stuck in your head all day.

WaveWalker’s smooth groove will get you dancing to the bathroom. And will 100% make you want to wear a pair of cool shades whatever the weather outside.

When I keep my eyes upon you Jesus, I'm a wavewalker

4. All About You - Planetshakers

Time to crank up the volume. Planetshakers does exactly what they say on the tin: dance worship that’s all about Jesus.

A long standing favourite in our household, ‘All About You’ centres your day firmly on Jesus, while having a dance party in your kitchen/shower/car. Want a motivational worship anthem to bump up your energy? This is it!


5. Fearless - Jasmine Murray

This is an anthem to motivate every woman to step out and step up in the day to come. One of the most damaging blocks we can come up against in pursuing our God-given calling is fear: the doubts and insecurities that hold us back. We are belting out the chorus with Jasmine Murray, “God set me free, I want to be fearless!”

"Bring on the unknown. Lead me and I'll go."

This is a song to make you brave and fire up your girl power. Put this on every playlist you’ve got - it’s a good’n!

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)


6. Making Me New - Royal Tailor

More music to motivate the socks off you. Don’t you just love it when awesome truth about God’s incredible grace is written into a deliciously catchy song?

It’s a new day. God is making you new, working in you and through you.

Now if that isn’t something to sing about, what is?


7. Marching On (Feat. Hillsong Young & Free) - Rend Collective

I know you shouldn’t have favourites . . but this is mine.

Marching On never fails to get me motivated to ‘take back the ground from the darkness’ and go into battle, shining the light of God’s truth.

Check out Rend Collective for more motivating worship music. Some of our favs include: Every Giant Will Fall, True North and Build Your Kingdom Here.


8. Write Your Story - Francesca Battistelli

Don’t be fooled by the upbeat pop, this is a truth-bomb of a song that is guaranteed to set you up right for the day. It’s almost the pop version of ‘not my will, but yours’.

"Author of my hope
Maker of the stars
Let me be Your work of art
Won't You write Your story on my heart"

Start your morning by inviting God to write His story and submit to His plans for you.


9. Not Today - Hillsong United

There have been mornings where I’ve had this song on repeat. Slow down, make space to listen to the lyrics and declare, ‘Not today, Satan.’

Sing your fear into praise.

You have the power of the Living God dwelling inside you. What would be different about your day if you believed that with all your heart? Nothing is as motivating as God’s love for us!


10. The Way - Worship Central

Let’s round up our motivational morning worship dance party with a fav from Worship Central and local boy, Tim Hughes. Did you know he leads Gas Street church just down the road from us?

This one has an absolute banger of a dance section towards the end - turn it up loud and be ready to bounce!

Praying that Jesus will lead you from glory to glory today. He IS the way.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14:6 (NIV)


Stay Tuned In

There is more motivational worship music waiting for you on our Mighty Motivation playlist. Click here or hit the button below to get even more Jesus-motivation tunes in your life!


Plugging into a playlist of great worship music might get you motivated and ready to take on the day, but your true fuel and foundation should always be in your relationship with Christ.

He is guiding your life, providing direction and calling you to plans for a future and a hope.

What is your Father leading you to get excited about next?

Tell us the worship songs that fire you up for the day in the comments!

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Love from Ro and Bee

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